School teacher, Private tutor.
Education : Master, Сибирский федеральный университет
The teacher, having awards and titles.
Education : Higher education, Казанский Федеральный университет
Private tutor.
Education : Higher education, кгу
Private tutor, The teacher, having awards and titles.
Education : Higher education, Казанский государственный университет им. В. И. Ульянова-Ленина
Education : Bachelor, Казанский (Приволжский) Федеральный университет
Private tutor.
Education : Higher education, КФУ
University lecturer, Private tutor, Candidate of science, Docent, Senior Researcher, Doctorjf Science, The teacher, having awards and titles, Translator.
Education : Master, Университет Гаваны, Куба.
Candidate of science, Senior Researcher.
Education : Higher education, Казанский государственный энергетический университет
Private tutor.
Education : Higher education, кгпу
Student, Private tutor.
Education : Bachelor, КФУ